Thursday, October 09, 2008

Proposition 8: Dissent by Catholic Priest

This is a sad story.

Father Geoffrey Farrow of the St. Paul Newman Center In Fresno, California decided to voice his dissent to support Catholic teaching on a marriage between a man and a woman.

He decided voice this during mass of all places (a time to worship and praise, celebrating our Lords presents in the Eucharist). He also acknowledged his self claimed homosexuality.

Here's the story.

Bishop Reaffirms Support for California Marriage Amendment Following Dissent by Homosexual Priest

The Catholic Bishop of Fresno, California, has reaffirmed his support for a state constitutional amendment that would prohibit the institution of homosexual “marriage” after a priest in his diocese announced his opposition to the measure during Sunday mass. The priest, Father Geoffrey Farrow of the St. Paul Newman Center in Fresno, called the media before the mass and told them about his plans. With television cameras filming his statements, Farrow denounced the amendment, which has the support of California’s bishops.

MORE (Catholicexchange)

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