Monday, April 30, 2007

More fuel on the fire by the St. Louis Post Dispatch

This from CNA:

.- The St. Louis media seems to be running a campaign against the Catholic Church, following Archbishop Raymond Burke’s protest of abortion-activist Sheryl Crow’s performance at a Catholic hospital fundraiser.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch and KMOV (CBS affiliate), in particular, have invited the public to voice its opinion over the archbishop’s decision.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue says the “voyeuristic posture assumed by these two media outlets is not legitimate.

According to Donohue, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch “is inviting non-Catholics to opine about an internal matter of the St. Louis Archdiocese, beckoning the bigots to post their hatred on its website.

“It has even gone so far as to run a punch line cartoon on this issue, asking the public to submit a caption,” reported Donohue.

“KMOV is also playing voyeur by asking Protestants, Jews, Muslims, agnostics and atheists to stick their noses into the business of another religion,” he added.

Furthermore, the station has four surveys on its website on the Catholic Church. However, Donohue notes, “no other religion is open for question.”

The Song of St Louis

It appears the St. Louis Post Dispatch is itching to widen the debate of Archbishop Burke's decision to pull his support from a Catholic Charity function featuring a concert show casing Sheryl Crow.

An editorial by Jane H. Sommer attempts to trump the good Archbishop by quoting her interpretations of Bible passages. Sort of playing bishop herself. She first paints Archbishop Burke with a brush stroke of hypocrisy,

...does he wish to encourage or deny support to the very children whom the professed center of his life, Jesus Christ, proclaimed: “for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

She doesn't however, mention Ms Crows support of abortion and the thousands of lives that takes everyday.

Jane Sommer second thought is confusing. I don't know what she's trying to say about " written code that kills and the Spirit that gives life". Kind of a mixture of self scripture interpretation.

Secondly, in light of the Archbishop’s adherence to a very strict interpretation of church law, one might ask if, at the heart of his Scriptures there is not an injunction about a new covenant ‘not in a written code but in the Spirit; for the written code kills, but the Spirit gives life.’

She continues by enlighten us with Ms Crows life crosses.

Thirdly, how might he evaluate his own efforts in behalf of suffering children and individuals worldwide in comparison to those of a cancer survivor who has given over countless hours to these endeavors as well as to human rights, most certainly at great financial sacrifice to herself?,

Sheryl has had some difficulties in life and she is to be commended in her battle with Cancer but the Archbishop isn't withdrawing his support because of these hardships. He is being the shepherd he was chosen to be. Living the vocation he chose to answer and one he has lived everyday of his life as a priest. I don't think Ms Sommers really knows what responsibilities a bishop has or what a priest has to sacrifice.

Lastly, Sommers puts the good Archbishop in his place with a selected passage

In the end, one can only hope for the possibility that not only will significantly more people donate to such a worthy cause as the Costas event, but that those giving their time, talent and love to this occasion will surely be seen as individuals who have fulfilled Jesus’ words, “as you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.”

The “scandal,” indeed, is not in the singer, but in the song of the Archbishop.

"One of the least of these" I guess doesn't include the unborn.

Global Warming ...continued debate

The Global Warming debate will be with us for sometime to come. And I'll have to admit, sometimes I get more confused the more I gather information on what exactly is the truth about this subject.

Still, I'm continuing my quest for some realism on this issue. Evangelical Catholic has a forum for such a debate and it's worth participating in. Or even just reading the post can be fruitful.

If you do join in though remember the

My stance so-far: I think man has and can contribute to the benefit or detriment of the environment. He is the steward of what God has created.

I do not believe all that the individuals upholding the "Inconvenient Truth" Theme ahave to say. I do not believe that man is the total cause of Global warming. I'm more inclined to a position that Global Warming does exist and has existed. Climate being more cyclical in nature and that man is not the primary cause of it.

Drowning Polar Bears just doesn't make sense to me..

Anyways, I could be wrong but I haven't studied anything that has changed my mind yet.

Join the debate

Archbishop Burke & Sheryl Crow

I saw this last week and read enough coverage about it.

Archbishop quits foundation board, citing scandal

My two Cents: "The ends never justifies the means"

Thanks Archbishop Burke for being the good shepherd.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Will the real Presidenal Candidate please stand up....

I'm starting to seriously gather information on the Candidates for next years Presidental Elections.

I'm not very impressed...

In fact I'm down right disappointed. Not much to choose from. I keep hoping for that one individual that sticks out in the crowd that supports my views on abortion, euthanasia, marriage, war, health care, stem cell research.

Hence... I'm still gathering information.

While I missed the 'Debate 8' on TV, I do plan to read about it. Not much there though (In my opinion) to harvest from.

I found this article this morning about Sen. Sam Brownback (Presidential candidates discuss politics and Catholic faith-CNA). I've been wanting to read up on Mr. Brownback. Not a front runner according to the MSM but he seems to fall in line more with my view than most.

If anyone would like to suggest some good sources of info for my fact finding mission, please feel free to do so. I'm willing to hear all sides.

WCC +<><

Monday, April 23, 2007

Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy

With the upholding of the Ban on Partial Birth Abortion last week, Justice Kennedy was highlighted in the Los Angeles Times yesterday. (Justice Kennedy at center of abortion debate)

In reading through the article I found something quite disturbing. Namely the voice of one Dr Nancy Stanwood and her thoughts on the resent court decision.

"It is patronizing. And for them to tell us how to practice medicine is dangerous," said Dr. Nancy Stanwood, an obstetrics professor at the University of Rochester, who delivers babies and does abortions. "If I have a patient with a placental abruption, there can be life-threatening bleeding. The fastest way to deal with that is to empty the uterus. But I will have to stop and think: Could I go to jail for trying to stop this bleeding?"

I wonder just how many of these cases are the cause of each partial birth abortion.

Here's the really scary part...

"This will not stop any abortions from taking place," said Stanwood. "We physicians will make some slight changes in our practice. An injection for the fetus adds another risk to woman's health, and it means added time and money. But if that's what's necessary, that's what we will do."

Here's a different twist....

On Wednesday, a judge postponed a court hearing until May 8 on the fate of Emilio Gonzales, a 17-month-old child currently on life support at Children’s Hospital of Austin. In the meantime, the ethical and moral questions over the life of Emilio Gonzales continue to take center stage. Now, the Catholic Diocese of Austin has taken a stand.

...Bishop Aymond said while his heart goes out to Emilio’s mother and the difficult decision she’s faced with, he says he believes the Pediatric Ethics Committee at Children’s Hospital has made the right decision to remove Emilio from life support.

Wow. I don't know all of what's going on here

Read the story for yourself. I hope there is a follow-up story with more details. I'd like to know what Fr Pavone's thoughts are on this one.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why did they show the video and pictures?

I can't believe that the media went ahead and followed through with what the Virginia Tech shooter wanted most to happen. The showing of his video and pictures.

It was nothing other and a "Press Release" of the atrocities he planned to do...and the media put aside the memory of the victims and the feelings of their families for what?....

.... ratings!

They just gave the killer his "15 minutes" of fame, only it will last longer than that. The media does the same thing with police car chases.

I refuse to view the video. I don't need to see it. I have read the multiple stores of heroic actions taken by those victims that sacrificed their lives to save others.

The professor who survived the Holocaust, who held the door to his class room closed to allow his students to exit through the windows was one story that touched my heart. He was shot 5 times through the door.

The article: Psychiatrist say's "Showing Video Is Social Catastrophe"

... I don't need to see the killers video

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Partial Birth Abortion Ban!

Breaking News:
The Supreme Court upheld the nationwide ban on a controversial abortion procedure Wednesday, handing abortion opponents the long- awaited victory they expected from a more conservative bench.
The 5-4 ruling said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman's constitutional right to an abortion.

Read Here

Wooo Hoooo!

Evangelicals Crossing the Tiber

Is there a new Evangelical Oxford Movement, reminiscent of Newman's journey?

An interesting question posed by Carl Olsen over at Inside Scoop

"Evangelical Oxford Movement"

I posted earlier on an article I read in 'Christianity Today Magazine' about how some protestants are incorporating the "Sign of the Cross" into there daily prayer life.

Also, many friends of mine, Catholic and non-Catholic were discussing after the 'Passion' movie a closeness to Mary, the mother of Jesus. My non-Catholic friends telling me that they kind of now understand the RC's devotion to Mary.

Now I don't think for a minute there are going to be mass conversions but I do have a certain feeling of closeness or unity with my fellow Christians that I think is much needed today with all that going on.

Anyways, an interesting read...

Arise from Darkness...

I offer up this splended book which addresses the crosses we bare in our daily lives.

How are we to understand this suffering?

Why do some people seem to have a life time of tragedy while others seem unscathed?

What do we do when life doesn't make sense?

These are the questions addressed in this book by Father Benedict Groeschel, "Arise From Darkness"
First Sentence of Book: The young woman who sat a few feet from me quietly wept tears that indicated an unspeakable inner desolation...Read Inside the Book HERE
Ignatius Press website has some other fine books and tapes.

Days of Morning....

We continue to offer our prayers and intentions to V-Tech and to the families who have an injured love one or may have lost a love one to this tragedy...

We pray...


Monday, April 16, 2007

B16 80th Bday

Happy Birthday!

WCC +<><

Something is brewing....

A special meeting of the Curia at the Vatican was held on Saturday and there's much speculation as to what's going on.

I'm sure we'll read more on the blogasphere...

In what could be a sign of an important upcoming announcement, Pope Benedict XVI convened a surprise meeting on Saturday with the leaders of the Roman curia.

The Holy See’s Press Office simply reported that the meeting took place on Saturday morning at the Apostolic Palace, where the Pontiff resides.

Stay tuned....

Bush at Catholic Prayer Breakfast

With a proposed bill headed to President Bush's desk to expand embryonic stem cell researh, he took the time to attend a Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC.

(photo: Catholic News Agency)

"Our Declaration of Independence states that our freedom rests on self-evident truths about the dignity of the human person,” the president said. “Throughout our nation's history, Catholic Americans have embraced, sustained, and given their lives to defend these truths.”

“This morning, we give thanks for the blessings of freedom, and we ask Almighty God to guide us as we renew our founding promise of liberty and justice for all.”

“Renewing the promise of America,” Bush said, “begins with upholding the dignity of human life.”

Bush has promised to veto and bill expanding embryonic stem cell research.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Media weighs in B16's new book...

We'll I found this not more than a few minutes after I posted the previous entry on the Pope's new book. Already the MSM has it's own take on the book...

"Pope puts his faith in the Book of Genesis, not Darwin"

His predecessor appeared, on balance, to favour the scientists. But the present Pope may have tipped the scales the other way in the argument over which is the truer account of the Creation: On the Origin of Species or the Book of Genesis.

Pope Benedict XVI has stepped into the debate over Darwinism with remarks that will be seen as an endorsement of “intelligent design”.

The Pope did not explicitly back intelligent design or creationism. He praised scientific progress but said that the Darwinian theory of evolution was “not finally provable” because: “We cannot haul 10,000 generations into the laboratory.”

I wish I could read German...

Pope Benedict on Evolution...

B16 has a new book out entitled "Creation and Evolution". It's a product of a seminar B16 had with former students at the summer papal residence in Castel Gandolfo. The topic was a discussion on the theory of evolution in the context of the Catholic faith.

The main speakers at the seminar were Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn of Vienna; Peter Schuster, the president of the Austrian academy of sciences; Robert Spaemann, a noted German political theories; and Father Paul Erbich, a professor of natural philosophy from Munich. Their presentations, together with the Pope's reflections, form the basis for the new book.

In his own essay, Pope Benedict acknowledges the many advances that science has brought, but observed that scientific findings often prompt further questions which science cannot answer. Reliance upon science can become a handicap, he argued, because "it tends to take away from us dimensions of reason that we still need."

The Pope went on to say that today's world needs to recover an appreciation for ultimate philosophical questions, which science cannot properly address. While the use of scientific reason is necessary and proper, he explained, that form of reason cannot address certain questions-- such as, for example, the origin of rationality itself.

In his comments on the topic of evolution, the Pope emphasized that scientific theories cannot resolve all of the questions that arise. Whatever the scientific record demonstrates about the development of life on earth, he said, must be complemented by an understanding of the ultimate cause of life. The emergence of human life, he said, cannot be thought of as a purely random sequence of events, but must be understood as the work of a Creator God. (CWN)

I've got to read this one... unfortunately we'll have to wait for the English translation. It's only in German for now.

More Pope bashing....

Carl Olsen over at Insight Scoop has "This weeks winner" for angry skewed attacks on B16. Although the art piece I mention below I think may compete on another level of outrage.

On his upcoming trek to the Brazilian town of Aparecida do Norte, he plans to huddle with regional prelates worried about their declining influence, the growth of evangelicals and local moves to legalize gay unions and abortion. The pope should choose his words carefully; on one of his last trips, to his native Germany, he sparked a firestorm when he quoted in passing scathing comments about the Prophet Muhammad. Within days Benedict was being burned in effigy. He can expect a warmer greeting in South America. But there's no denying he's been a disappointment to many faithful there and elsewhere. Some U.S. Catholics condemn him as aloof, Europeans resent his intrusions into their affairs and he's never been popular in Latin America. The region, home to 450 million Catholics, had hoped to see one of its own succeed John Paul. Many there have felt ignored by the man who ultimately did.

Part of the problem is style. The last pope was a former parish priest who recast himself as an international player (he spoke eight languages, including Spanish and Portuguese). Benedict is a colorless academic who spent much of his career teaching theology and philosophy. "This is a professor, a quiet man, not an actor skilled in politics," says the American theologian Michael Novak. "[People] should not judge him by the standards of John Paul II." ...

But Benedict's emphasis hasn't won him many fans. Just before his ascension, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger warned Italians that "Europe has developed a culture that ... excludes God from the public conscience," and last month he decried Europeans' "dangerous individualism." Also last month, Italy's bishops came out against the country's attempt to extend rights to gay and unmarried couples. Such moves have rankled politicians—one parliamentarian has warned Benedict against imposing a "clerical dictatorship" in Italy—and many of the faithful. "Ratzinger is getting too intrusive on [subjects] such as civil rights for unwed couples and is too out of date," says Milanese housewife Maria Novella Dall'Aglio.



We've been hearing the groans and grumblings of this Imus person all week long. To tell you the truth I never heard of Imus before this reporting. I stay away from so called shock-jocks like Stern (I have Sirius Radio) and this guy Imus.

(photo: Niche.LA Art Studio)

From what I hear the infamous statement, which I won't repeat, has stirred up the hornet nest and rightfully so. There is no need for this kind of language and this form of so called entertainment. I could go on about this, but I'd like to bring attention to another instance of this foolishness that has no-one up in arms.

In Los Angeles, the art scene can be pretty bizarre at times, though we do have some outstanding museums and exhibitions.

... this is not one of them.

Over at the Niche.LA. Art studio ( the name of the studio should tip you off as to what kind of art is displayed here) on Spring Street is an exhibit entitled "CHRIST KILLA" . This is the work of Eric Medine who is based in Los Angeles. He's has put together a 'VIDEO GAME' where the object is to kill as many Jesus Christ characters in the video as you can. It's a shoot'm - up type of game only the bad guy is Christ himself.

Described as the ultimate arbitration between politics and Christianity, “Christ Killa” is a video game linked to video projectors and television monitors. A first person shooter in which the player shoots hordes of homicidal Jesus Christs, the game landscape is filled with Googled images of Christian propaganda posters, religious shrines such as St. Peter’s in Rome, and clichéd representations of Christ who constantly mumbles messages of tolerance and compassion.

The audience is invited to participate in the carnage by playing the video game and watching short videos of the game in action. The winner with most Christ kills will be awarded with a trophy at 9:00PM.

Did I read correctly???? You can win a prize for this?!

Where is the outrage here?

Where is the news coverage of this anti-Christian public showing?

Oh...I see. This is acceptable

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Senate approves stem cell bill

The Democrat-led Senate's passage Wednesday of legislation seeking to allow federal funding for cutting-edge embryonic stem cell research sets up another fight with President Bush, who has vowed to veto the bill just as he did in July.

Proponents of the legislation say it is necessary even though a growing number of states led by California are undertaking state-funded research to make up for the federal government's Bush-ordered absence from almost all embryonic stem cell research. They said another presidential veto won't end their effort, although they remain shy of the votes in the Senate and House needed to override the veto.

Did anyone expect this wouldn't happen with the recent elections? The House and Senate are very vocal about the lives being lost in a certain part of the world...yet our legislators are more than willing to continue the slaugher of embryo's (potencial babies).

The argument is "these are existing lines only".

Yah right.

Does anyone honestly believe that it will end there?

The 63 votes in support on Wednesday included 15 Republican senators, but didn't include three Democratic backers who were absent. Still, the 66 backers are one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to override a presidential veto.

The House passed an almost identical stem cell bill 253-174 in January as part of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's initial "Six for '06'' legislative drive -- up from 235 in 2006, but far short of the 290 votes needed to overturn a presidential veto.


All Female conception....SICK!

This makes me sick to my stomach.

With all the illnesses in the world, with all the suffering in the world, with all the good things that scientist and doctors can use their time and God given talent on , they choose to spend money and resources trying to find a way to create sperm cells from women bone-morrow tissue.

Women might soon be able to produce sperm in a development that could allow lesbian couples to have their own biological daughters, according to a pioneering study published today.

Scientists are seeking ethical permission to produce synthetic sperm cells from a woman's bone marrow tissue after showing that it possible to produce rudimentary sperm cells from male bone-marrow tissue.

Sometimes ......

B16 in review

I came across this on Carl Olsen's "Scoop" site. It's an article in th National Catholic Register on the first 2 years of B16's Pontificate. Just in time for his 80th birthday.

With the John Paul II the Great as his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI is the right Pope at the right time. The Holly Spirit once again given us a gift in B16.

What did Einstein Believe?

I've asked myself this question on a few occasions but end up confused by the many views on this.

Here's another article ( Einstein & Faith ) that pretty interesting. Not one of my favorite sources for information (TIMES in partnership with CNN) but an interesting article none the less...

Jesus' Tomb - When the Walls come Tumbling Down

Well, it looks like the walls are tumbling down on the Jesus Tomb story. The James Cameron & Canadian filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici movie "Lost Tomb of Jesus" is now losing it's own scholarly backing.

(photo: Courtesy of

Professor Andrey Feuervreger (who is featured in the movie) originally stated that the odds this was Jesus' tomb were 600 to 1 in favor. Now he has retracted that statement to say that it's 600 to 1 odds that the cluster of names on the tomb would appear together. Two very different statements

The most startling change of opinion featured in the 16-page paper is that of University of Toronto statistician Professor Andrey Feuerverger, who stated those 600 to one odds in the film. Feuerverger now says that these referred to the probability of a cluster of such names appearing together.

Even the Discovery Channel is backtracking...

... a statement on the Discovery Channel's Web site, which previously read "a statistical study commissioned by the broadcasters...concludes that the probability factor is 600 to 1 in favor of this being the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and his family," in keeping with Feuerverger's statement, has been altered and now reads, "a statistical study commissioned by the broadcasters... concludes that the probability factor is in the order of 600 to 1 that an equally 'surprising' cluster of names would arise purely by chance under given assumptions."

I don't know why this doesn't get as much news press as the original claim. "The Christian faith would be shaken to it's core because of this new discovery!"

The critics were right all along...another Hoax. Read the rest of the story HERE, you won't find it too many other places.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Big 8..0...for B16

April 16th will mark Pope Benedict's 80th birthday. I'd say he look pretty good for his age. I hope, God willing to have his energy at that time in my life.

Remember the good Pope at Sunday's Mass. Pray for his health and his intentions...

The Vatican's liturgical office has issued an invitation to the people of Rome to join Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) at Mass on Sunday, April 15-- the feast of the Divine Mercy-- to celebrate the Pope's 80th birthday

Happy Birthday Holy Father..

WCC +<><

Surfing U.S.A. - Catholic Californian Style

Cool story of the Lybarger family's journey to Catholicism. ( Gnosticism to the Max)
(photo: California Catholic Daily)

Like the waves he has surfed since he was a boy, Aaron Lybarger’s journey to the Catholic Church has been a wild ride. A native of Lake Forest, Lybarger describes his childhood as a time “spent in day care” while his father worked as a policeman and his mother as a nurse. “I was a pagan. Unchurched.

The article goes on to describe the family's wild ride and return to the faith.
Welcome home Lybarger family!

Hans Jung - pro-abortion stance

I read this article ( Hans Kung Joins Abortion Debate In Mexico ) and was reminded why Rome removed this catholic theologian from teaching Catholic doctrine in 1979.

According to Küng, the key point in the abortion debate is that the fertilized ovum is not a human person. “There is a great difference between the classic Catholic doctrine and St. Thomas Aquinas’ position, because he thinks that human animation is a process and there is not a human person from the beginning,” said Küng. “Because the human person, says St. Thomas Aquinas, presuppose an anima intellectualis, an intellect, what distinguishes humans from animals, it is clear that at the beginning there is not a human person.” For this reason, said Küng, “a fertilized ovum, evidently is human life but is not a person. So the problem of abortion is considerably reduced.”

St. Thomas Aquinas would be turning in his to speak... to know that this disciplined theologian was using his name to pronounce a false teaching.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Candle -Light of the World

Easter Sunday's homily has been on my mind a lot.

Our pastor's homily centered obviously on the Resurrection and the gift of Christ's sacrifice. But he also touched a little on the Easter Candle and it's relationship to us and essentially the call for each of us to be the 'Light in the World'. This only being made possible by Jesus' ultimate sacrifice and glorious resurrection. His work is to be carried on through our cooperation with His Easter gift. In our daily lives as examples and witnesses to His love for us.

I've been thinking about this....

How can I best achieve this? For me it's easy to read more scripture, to say an extra rosary, to read the Divine Office more devoutly or read another apologetics book. But these are easy things for me to do.

The harder things for me can be, for example, be more patient with my family members. I seem to be more patient with strangers.

How about forgiving others. Taking that first step to heal a hurt when we think we're in the right.

How about avoiding the obvious temptation pitfalls; talking bad about others, for guys avoiding questionable situations of immorality, foul language.

How we be that light in the world that Christ expects us to be. Not to be showy or put on airs, but to be truly examples of his love in small way throughout the day.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Freed Hostages and Crocodiles

Pictures all over the news today as the freed British hostages touched down in London. Family hugs and kisses showed the love the good news of their release.

And, yes it is a good day that these 15 Marines and Sailors are safe at home, thanks be to God.
However I just don't feel that everything is completely safe. I still feel a lingering sense of caution. I don't take this release as a good gesture of the Iranian government. I even read they were given goody bags.

What's that all about? Was this a game and these gifts are a consolation prize?

As a Christian how should view this events? I read this article "FEEDING NEW CROCODILES' over at ignatius INSIGHT gives a perspective on 'Iran and the Dangers of Appeasement.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

..........I'm back

Sorry, for my lack of posting.

I've been away for more than a few days now. I've had some immediate family cares that needed to be attended to and required by undivided attention.

Consequently, my blogging time had to be placed on hold. But as things gradually begin to right themselves and family needs are slowly taken care of (with God's help) I can now return to something that I enjoy doing...blogging.

I'll be posting more later today...

WCC +<><