Steve, is the founding father of our "St Joseph's Covenant Keepers, Men's Group and he also heads up the website.
This new website is on Catholic Eschatology (Study of the End Times). He uses scripture. the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Church Fathers for his study, especially St Augustine.
No, he won't be making any predictions on a date of the Second coming
but he promises to make known the Catholic perspective of the end times,
it's relevance today and why we as Catholics need to know this.
The first of many coming Podcasts is uploaded to this website (, and he explains it's purpose in the first episode.
I like it and will be following this presentation. I'll probably load the podcasts and listen to it on my vanpool ride home....what else am I going to do for 2 1/2 hrs
Check it out, tell me what you think!
The first of many coming Podcasts is uploaded to this website (, and he explains it's purpose in the first episode.
I like it and will be following this presentation. I'll probably load the podcasts and listen to it on my vanpool ride home....what else am I going to do for 2 1/2 hrs

Check it out, tell me what you think!