Friday, August 15, 2008

McCain-Obama Forum in So. *Cal UPDATE*

UPDATE: I hope this is not the case...

Red State: Rick Warren Sells Out to Libs on CNN

Warren says he is going to get "Faith in Public Life" to help him come up with the questions to ask McCain and Obama. Who is "Faith in Public Life"?

Jim Wallis is America's foremost spokesman for the Religious Left. Bob Edgar, of course, is the former head of the National Council of Churches. Catherine Pinkerton sits on the Obama campaign's Catholic Advisory Council. Anybody see a pattern here? Just to drive the point home, consider the boards of directors and advisors of the FLP, which include such luminaries as:

Board of Directors president Meg Rlley, Director of Advocacy and Witness for the Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship.

*Elizabeth Letzler, member of the PCUSA's Mission Responsibility Through Investment committee and the Israel-Palestine Network (i.e., an Israel divestment proponent). She's also been "deeply involved" with, an NCC outfit.

*Nazir Khaja, a Muslim leader who also sits on the board of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Rights.

*Fred Rotondaro, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, run by Bill Clinton's ex-chief of staff John Podesta, which is basically a Democratic Party research organization.

*Susan Thistlethwaite, president of the UCC's Chicago Seminary, well-known to readers of this blog for her contributions to the Washington Post's "On Faith" column.

*Jim Winkler, General Secretary of the United Methodist Church's General Board of Church and Society, who also sits on the board (with Communist Party USA leader Judith LeBlanc) of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.

So don't really expect serious questions related to faith and Christianity. These people are more interested in gay rights and abortion rights than evangelism.

1 comment:

  1. Hey WC,

    Pop on over to check out my post on the debate. Some interesting tidbits about both candidates.

