Beware of those that claim to follow the teaching of the Catholic Church and are in the company of those the wish it's destruction.
Case in point the recent letter by professors at Catholic University, in an effort to create their own 'Notre Dame' affair (if you remember Obama's commencement speech at ND) with Rep. John Boehner’s planned commencement speech at Catholic University of America.
Letter signer Stephen F. Schneck of the Catholic University of America (CUA) is a board member of the Soros-funded Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG). Because of the significant funding the group has received from Soros, an atheist, CACG has been called a “fake Catholic” group designed to undermine official Catholic teaching on abortion and homosexuality and promote Obama Administration Big Government policies. The former CACG executive director, Alexia Kelley, now works for the Obama Administration.
There is a lot of this going around. Met to confuse the average Catholic, with promises of free this and free that, and take from those the have and redistribute to those that want.
Confusing fellow Catholic on it's official teachings of social justice, these kind of groups abound with support from George Soros and those associated with him.
A Washington Post story about Catholic professors challenging Rep. John Boehner’s Catholic faith with an open letter to the House Speaker ignores the role of one of the key signers in a George Soros-funded group.
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