More coverage on the (Traditional) Anglican entrance into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Some say Yea, some say Nea...
I'm all for it!
Three dubious and curious conclusions - InsideScoop
Yesterday's announcement from Rome was quite stunning and historical, and much ink is being spilled, opinions rendered, and spleens ruptured (at last metaphorically) as every stripe of Catholic, Anglican, human, and other biological life form takes aim, makes claim, and—in some cases—cries, "Shame!" Amid the spilling, rupturing, and aiming, here are three negative, even sulking, pieces that caught my attention: MORE
Benedict XVI opens door wide to Anglicans seeking full communion...
In a meeting with journalists held this morning in the Holy See Press Office Cardinal William Joseph Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia O.P., secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, presented a note on a new measure concerning "Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering the Catholic Church".
Open Thread: Anglican-Catholic Reunification - AmP
Here are the posts AmP published yesterday on the issue of the Vatican announcing special pastoral provisions for traditional Anglicans to be received back into the Catholic Church: MORE
Anglicans Coming! - Catholic Culture
The Holy See took the ecumenical imperative out of the hands of ecumenists, with the result that the reunion of Christians -- at least in one limited area of schism -- ensued. From the Vatican website:
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