Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Gov. Terminator

Our fearless leader in our States Capital is at it again. Pointing out his catholicism while pontificating on his latest cause and money 'black hole' for Stem Cell research.

“I am a Catholic and a very dedicated Catholic, but that does not interfere with my decision-making because I know that stem-cell research, the way we are doing it in California ... is the right way to go and will save, very quickly down the line, lives and cure a lot of these illnesses,” said Schwarzenegger, referring to embryonic stem cell research. (CNA)

After signing a $30-million research agreement with Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, Schwarzenegger told the Star his support for stem-cell research was based on his father-in-law’s struggle with Alzheimer's.

He referred to his father-in-law, Sargent Shriver, as having had “one of the most brilliant minds in the world.” Shriver worked under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and began the Peace Corps.
The newspaper said McGuinty, who is also Catholic, shared Schwarzenegger’s views on faith and politics.

“I would argue... there's one moral imperative that transcends all faiths, all culture and all traditions, it would be this fundamental desire to relieve pain and suffering and death where we find it,” McGuinty told the Star.

What about the pain and suffering of the unborn baby?

That 30 million is just a drop in the bucket to the 10 billion the Gov. is spending in our good State toward embryonic stem cell research. 'It's good for business...' he once said.

Sometimes I get so frustrated hearing fellow catholics justify their actions which go against the teachings of the Church.

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