Seems the media and the White House (maybe one in the same now-a-days) are not too concerned about the faith of Ms. Sotomayer being Catholic as long as she is a 'Cultural Catholic'.
Definition (NYTimes: "...majority of American Catholics: those who were raised in the faith and shaped by its values, but who do not attend Mass regularly and are not particularly active in religious life. Like many Americans, Judge Sotomayor may be what religion scholars call a “cultural Catholic” — a category that could say something about her (an individuals) political and social attitudes.
NCRegister has an interesting article on [More on] Ms. Sotomayor's Faith.
Interviews with more than a dozen of Judge Sotomayor’s friends from high school, college, law school and professional life said they had never heard her talk about her faith, and had no recollection of her ever going to Mass or belonging to a parish. Her family did not return phone calls for comment.
A White House spokesman, speaking on background, put it this way: “She currently does not belong to a particular parish or church, but she attends church with family and friends for important occasions.”
It's disturbing to note that the MAJORITY of Catholics in society are considered to be of this strain, cultural catholics that is, as viewed by society. I wonder how many Catholics can describe themselves by this definition?
Today's readings reminds us to "Give to Caesar what is Caesar and give to God what is God's".
For some Catholics, they seem to be handing over a lot more...
Great article I sent out a email to all my friends addressing this issue and got some really good replies. Seems there are a few concerned about our church. Paul