I was watching the boob-tube this morning, catching up on the latest news. The usual stupid line of male enhancement commercials pop up, this is cable channel TV of course.
I do love the baby commercials where the baby's lips move ... the one that he burps up is my favorite.
There's the gecko car insurance ones that are getting boring. The cavemen they're long gone.
Then there's Flo the Progressive car insurance girl.
Who is she in real life?

I was intrigued so I did a little googling and found this article.
The strange allure of the Progressive insurance girl
What makes normal people fall so hard for the cute and perky pitchwoman known as 'Flo'?
She's bubbly and beaming, high-volume, with a flip of dark hair and a face like a lollipop. She irks as she endears, bemuses as she bewitches. She's a bundle of energetic contradictions, bursting here, retracting there. Her expressions blink and change like a neon sign. Her eyes are popping globes. And she just sold you a bunch of car insurance.MORE
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