Monday, June 22, 2009

Bush's Bioethics Panel Replaced with Obama-Ethics

President slowly dismantling the Bush administration with nothing to stand in his way. The latest casualty is The Bioethics Panel, a public voice on issues stem cell research, abortion, medicine, biology and many others.

Essentially, everyone on the panel got a pink slip. Everyone to be replaced by, you guessed it Obama appointees.

"The council was disbanded because it was designed by the Bush administration to be “a philosophically leaning advisory group” that favored discussion over developing a shared consensus, said Reid Cherlin, a White House press officer. " -NYTimes

Oh, this sounds like a non-partisan group of individuals.

No debate just a "shared consensus".

More on this fiasco:

Dissolution of President's Bioethics Council - Southern Appeal

"Badethics": Obama Plans to Replace Bush's Bioethics Panel- AmP

Obama Plans to Replace Bush's Bioethics Panel - NYTimes

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