Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The Heart of the Matter

I've been off about a week and a half from blogging.

I had to have some major surgery in the form of a heart valve (Mitral) repair.

You can read about it here:

A Patient's Guide to Heart Surgery

I was fortunate enough to have the world renown heart surgeon Vaughn A. Starnes, M.D. He actualy performed heart surgery on Arnold Schwarzenegger. The support staff there is top notch.

Here's a video of the procedure: Mitral Valve Chordae Repair
the video shows a robotic procedure, which I didn't have. I had what is called a Minimally Invasive procedure, which means they have smaller incisions in my chest and didn't have to open the chest by breaking the chest bone. Like you'd see on most medical TV programs.

This allows for a faster recovery, weeks instead of months.

If by circumstance anyone out there has to have this done or knows of someone that has to have any type of heart surgery done I highly recommend the USC University Hospital. They are the best. World renown in every scenes of the word.

Dr. Starnes is the best!

I'm recovering at home presently and doing fine!

Thanks to Dr. Starnes and everyone at USC University Hospital

1 comment:

  1. My dad had MVP repair (along with quad bypass) back in '97. I have a very mild former of MVP myself (runs in the family).

    You're in my prayers, WCC!!!
