The date of the commencement is fast approaching.
Now even some of the graduating Seniors are drawing the line
Some ND Seniors Say No to Graduation
So, should ND still be considered a Catholic University? The question was posed to Archbishop Burke
“What should the Church do about Notre Dame?” I asked Archbishop Raymond Burke last night. His answer:
“What it should do is have Notre Dame come clean. Is it Catholic or isn’t it? A Catholic institution, a Catholic university, cannot give honors to someone who is a promoter of things that are opposed to the most fundamental beliefs of Catholics, and so that’s what needs to happen.”
How can the Church do that?
“There’s an apostolic constitution, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, which sets forth the requirements for a university to have the name Catholic. I think that Notre Dame has to either follow those norms or say ‘We’re not a Catholic university anymore.’”
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