Tuesday, December 23, 2008

B16: The Nature (Ecology) of Man

B16 hit it right on the button.

The hype about protecting nature and the effects of 'global warming' are "no more important than protecting the nature of the person".

B16 responds to the worlds abbreviated stand on 'nature', where on one hand the message is to be good stewards of earth and it's resources and extend a firm fisted hand against those they feel abuse and neglect these treasure.

Yet in the same breath do the exact opposite when it comes to the preserving the true 'nature of man'. The ECOLOGY OF MAN, as the good Pope phrases it.

While the media has picked up on the homosexual emphasis of B16's talk, they kind of miss the rest of the message jin my opinion.

Pope Benedict is indeed talking about the term gender, however I also see his point about how man wants to supersede God as the creator in all things. Man wants to re-order the purpose of man, so to speak, in terms of his sexuality, of what man feels is best for him/her outside of God's original intent for man/woman.

The re-ordering of marriage, of 'any-thing-goes' without regard to our Creator.

I just love the way B16 is not afraid to teach. He's not concerned about what others may think in terms of watering down the teaching of Christ

Here's what he said from a reliable source:

Pontiff Calls for "Ecology of Man"
Warns Against New Theories of "Gender"

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 22, 2008 (Zenit.org).- While protecting nature is an essential mission of the Church, it's no more important than protecting the nature of the person, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope spoke today of what he termed an "ecology of man" during his traditional exchange of Christmas greetings with prelates and members of the Roman Curia.

"Given that faith in the Creator is an essential element of the Christian creed, the Church can not and should not limit itself to transmitting to the faithful only the message of salvation," he affirmed. "It also has a responsibility with creation, and it has to fulfill this responsibility in public."

The Pontiff added that while the Church needs to "defend the earth, water, air, as gifts of the creation that belongs to all of us [... ], it must also protect the human being from his own destruction."

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