Semper Fidelis.... always faithful, to the Church that is.
As the Presidential candidates position themselves for the upcoming primary elections and the Presidential elections next year, Catholics and indeed all Christians should be collecting information on those running for office.
I'll tell you though, it's getting tougher to distinguish what the truth of their stands are on issues and what they want you to believe the truth of their stands are.
On the drive into work in the mornings, I have my routine of saying my morning prayers, followed by a rosary. Then I usually listen to the headline news to see what's going on in the world. I use to listen to the traffic news, but in L.A. that's a futile venture.
Anyways, along with the news channels one of the stations (Sirius Channels) I switch to is EWTN's Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo.
Teresa does a great job touching on all things Catholic in the News, Pro-life, brief interviews and politics from a Catholic prospective. This morning I caught the tail-end of a conversation with Joseph Cella, President of Fidelis (
It's a pretty good site for Catholics defending life, faith and family (as their banner reads)in the public forum.
Here's their ABOUT page:
Fidelis: (adj) faithful, loyal, true.
The name Fidelis, is widely recognized as a part of the United States Marines motto “Semper Fidelis” (always faithful). The family of Fidelis organizations chose this name because it represents the deepest aspirations of our combined work – to encourage and advance a spirit of faithfulness in American public life, in both the duties of citizens and in our commitments to religious faith.
Fidelis is a Catholic-based advocacy organization established to help elect pro-life, pro-family and pro-religious liberty candidates to public office, support the confirmation of judges, and promote and defend laws faithful to the Constitution in Congress and the Courts.
Fidelis is principally focused on protecting the right to life at every stage, upholding the time-honored institutions of marriage and family, and advancing the role of religious liberty in the renewal of American culture. These truths have united millions of Americans since the founding of our nation and continue to unite people of faith today.
Fidelis is principally focused on protecting the right to life at every stage, upholding the time-honored institutions of marriage and family, and advancing the role of religious liberty in the renewal of American culture. These truths have united millions of Americans since the founding of our nation and continue to unite people of faith today.
In order to best address many of these issues, Fidelis is uniquely set up to participate in political campaigns, legislative initiatives, judicial confirmation battles, and public interest litigation. We believe this multi-prong strategy will effectively advance our mission in ways never done before.
Fidelis consists of four legal entities: Fidelis, Fidelis America, Fidelis Center for Law and Policy, and the Fidelis Media Fund. Each of these entities is organized to comply with all applicable laws governing our activities.
Hope this is helpful when collecting your info...
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