Well, the decision is made in San Francisco for Catholic Charities (a Catholic Adoption agency) to 'COMPROMISE', which is the word being used, on the issue of Homosexual partners adopting children.
So what does that mean? There will be Catholic Charities employees working both sides of the street? What if those employees are Catholic themselves. How does a Catholic who follows Church teachings, work with assisting those that want to work against those teachings? That's what I read into what the good Archbishop is saying.
Here's my favorite part of the article:
...Catholic Charities San Francisco made the decision to close its adoption services after receiving clarification from the Vatican that Catholic organizations should not take part in the adoption of children to homosexual couples. HOWEVER....
The archbishop said he respected the opinion of “those within the Church…who feel that even that is too much of an involvement, but I believe we have examined what we’re doing and vetted it very carefully, and what we’re really doing is putting potential adoptive parents in touch with adoption agencies that can help them.”
A man and a woman united in marriage, together with their children, form a family. This institution is prior to any recognition by public authority, which has an obligation to recognize it. It should be considered the normal reference point by which the different forms of family relationship are to be evaluated
Potential adoptive parents in touch with adoption agencies that can help them? So, he is supportive of exposing children to a life style that is not consistent with what the Church he represents says.
That's like a Catholic Hospital saying, "Well we don't do abortions here, but if you go to room xyz downstairs they can make an appointment for you with one of the Abortion Clinics in the area."
“The most important person in the adoption is the child,” Niederauer also said. “Important as it is for couples to be able to adopt a child if they want to, it’s most important of all that the child have a home.”
Well, I thought that's what this whole issue is about, children!
...oh and by the way, the Archbishop noted that the Church’s teaching is that the child should have a mother and a father.
Sorry, Archbishop Niederauer. But I respectfully disagree with your decision. I don't know why we're always looking for loop-holes.
For our Church leaders as well as all the faithful let us pray, Lord Hear Our Prayer.
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