Friday, January 05, 2007

Girl Frozen in Time

I saw this yesterday, but didn't get a chance to read it until this morning.

It's about a little 9 year old girl named Ashley. Ashley has been disabled from the time of birth and she can not sit up, walk or talk. She is also fed by a tube and has a mental awareness of an infant.

My first reaction was one of sadness because of the situation. Sometimes we just take for granted the healthiness of our children, and yet I am greatfull that the parents have cared for her and given her the love she deserves.

However, as I read on I became a disturbed at the planned medical proceedures that await this little girl. Read the article. There is so much here I hate to paraphrase the story.
As a father of three, it really tugs at my heart. Little girls are the apple of dad's eye. Even when they are grown-up, I always think of them as my little girls.
The parents have a web site "Ashley Treatment" , and they attempt to offer up an explaination of their decisions. They appear to be very loving parents, but I somehow believe that their planned path for Ashely is in the wrong direction.
I will keep Ashley and her parents in my daily prayers...I will also fast for them today.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I saw that yesterday briefly on the news but wasn't aware of all the facts. I passed over the article in the Times but I read the family's website and what other bloggers are saying a few hours ago. I'm not sure how I feel about the situation, except to say it just fills me with such sadness. I'll be keeping Ashley and her family in my prayers as well.
