Monday, July 18, 2011

A word on the National Debit from a Catholic Perspective

I'm presently doing some personal research and study on Catholic Social Doctrine.

There's so much out there and you hear so much from fellow Catholics, even one's pastor, and most of all so called Catholics in the political arena that it can be quite difficult to find what's the truth.

Now that our parish has brought in the progressive ICUC/PICO organization into our church, it's a definite wake-up call for me to do some studying to find the truth.

So I'm starting out with this book by a Catholic Professor J. Brian Benestad.  I had to do a little research on him as well and he looks pretty knowledgeable and in line with Catholic teaching.

Benestad's book, An Introduction to Catholic Social Doctrine - Catholic Moral Thought, look like a great place to start.

I'm also ordering this book: "Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church by Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, along with Companion to the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church by Padraig Corkery

So do a little studying yourself. Especially before the up coming elections. The aim of the Left is to use the churches to promote a progressive agenda. Many of our priest are falling for it. They are being mislead into bringing in these organizations (ICUC/PICO) into our churches.

A wake-up article:

Another Leftist Religious Group With Alleged Ties to Soros, Secular Non-Profits

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