Dr. Oz delivered some shocking news to Opra's audience as well as Mr. Fox. Everyone knows about Michael's struggles with Parkinson's and his goals of promoting research to cure this debilitating disease. Those efforts are quite noble, however promotion of the use of Embryonic Stem Cell research is not.
The killing of babies for such research is morally wrong. Its also scientifically ineffective.
Recently the Pentagon announced the use of pigs in their study of IED affects. The same with the auto industry with their use of pigs in crash test.
The outrage shut down the auto industry's test and the outrage is still rising in the case of the Pentagon.
There is no such outrage about killing babies (Embryonic Stem Cell Research).
While there are no positive results from such studies there has been a call to advance the studies even further. President Obama is leading the charge.
Thank God Dr. Oz was given an opportunity on TV to set the record straight.
We need more voices in the public arena to tell the truth.
I hope to see, hear from Dr. Oz more.... if he is given the chance.
There is a group of physicians, patients and other interested people working together to get treatment with adult stem cells legalized in the U.S. as it should be. The organization was formed in response to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) recent position that the adult stem cells found in everyone’s body are drugs. Please ask your family and friends to sign up ("JOIN"), and get as many doctors to sign up as well. Please see The American Stem Cell Therapy Association site
thanks for the info...
WCC +<><