One of the best books I've read on the subject of Catholic Social Doctrine is one by J. Brian Benestad, his book 'Church State and Society - An Introduction to Catholic Social Doctrine'.
Of course the Compendium of Catholic Social Doctrine is the official Church source along with various Encyclical and teaching of the Church Father (particularly Aquinas) but Benestad does a great job of breaking it down and explaining it in understandable morsels.
Our parish Men's Fellowship is undertaking a study on the subject and we are using the book Indivisable By James Robison and Jay W. Richards along with a DVD series by Msgr. Stuart Swetland entitled Catholic Social Teaching
Carl Olsen of Insight Scoop has a fine article on the subject, 'It is time to get serious about Catholic social doctrine' that is a must read.
He talks in part about the intentional strategy of the present Administration to 'divide and conquer' all opponents including and especially Catholics all for the goal of re-election.
Obama, though not part of the Church Hierarchy (Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Priest) gets to define what Catholic Social Doctrine and it's terminology and call upon those he prefers within the Church, usually someone who is will to lend their Catholic identity to confuse fellow Catholics.
We need to educate ourselves brothers and sisters of the faith. We need to learn what true Catholic Social Doctrine really means as defined by the Church. The resources that I mention above are a place to start. Most likely you won't hear it from the pulpit. You will hear it from self proclaimed experts in the news like Pelosi, Dowd, Biden, and numerous other politicians and celebrities as well as misinformed leaders of the Church.
We spend so much time on our iPads, iPhone, TV, and everything else. We need to divert some of those distractions (all good in themselves) to learn the tenets of our faith.
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