Sunday, October 09, 2011

Most Unsatisfyiing Confession...

Ok, so I realize that not all confessions will have that inner soul satisfaction. One that comes from a satisfying point made by the priest as he comments on a particular sin you've confessed or maybe the relief of getting a certain sin off your chest.

I do realize that maybe the line may be too long and length or time the priest has to spend with you is not ample but you know he's doing his best.

This Saturdays confession is one for the books...for me anyway.

I went in right line for either of the two priest available. I like to go face to face.

....and so I begin "bless me father for I have sinned....

...these are my sins....

PRIEST: "Ok, go out and think of your own penance ...go your sins are forgivien"

What do you mean think of your own penance?

No advise? There's no one else waiting father...


Thank you Lord for our priests and the sacrament of Confession...

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