I've been studying up on the Church Father's in preparation for our upcoming Men's Fellowship fall session at our parish.
I've been reading a book by Mike Aquilina I hope to use. "The Fathers of the Church - An Introduction to the First Christian Teachers"
The book is great, not too heady and easy to read... right up my ally. The Church Fathers bring so much depth and insight to how the early church formed. Boy, talk about standing on the shoulders of giants, those first eight centuries were so crucial.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Jesus' promise to protect his church "and no evil shall prevail over it", these men of God kept the gospel true.Another source that's come to my attention is the new video/study guide by Steve Ray " The Apostolic Fathers".
(Steve Ray's Blog)It's still hot in my hand - right off the press, well, right out of the DVD burner! The Apostolic Fathers, Handing on the Faith is done and I am on my way to Ignatius Press to show it to them and get their final approval before we make copies for everyone else! Here is what the cover will look like.
I showed this DVD to family and friends last night. They all praised it as our best one yet. My daughter is a philosopher and her husband a theologian. They both said it was great. It is 93 minutes long, very fast-paced, full of information, humor, good music, interesting effects and bloody martyrdoms.
The Study Guide will be finished this week and I expect to have this DVD ready for delivery no later that October 1. I think it is our best documentary yet and my prayer and expectation is that it will make many Catholics confident and excited about the Catholic Church and it will also bring many others home. It will be a great gift for Protestants to help them understand their roots and why it is the Catholic Church that has the continuity all the way back to the Apostles. I am very anxious to get this one out there.
Sounds promising. Hope to pick this up when it comes out. The Book is good though. Pick up a copy. Over at amazon.com you can read an excerpt...
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